EDC: Computer Structure. Software Engineering Enghish Group
EDC: Computer Structure. Software Engineering Enghish Group
Programing example using interrupts. Timers.
Interoperation with C language programs and functions. Calling C functions from assembly. Calling assembly subroutines from C programs. The Application Binary Interface…
Using program memory to store initialized static data.
Using the AVR's data memory to store static data.
Programming with subroutines and calling convention.
Programming, debugging and uploading programs to an AVR microcontroller from the VSCode/PlatformIO development environment.
Debugging AVR programs using raw tools (GDB) and a simulator (simavr).
Description of the methods to upload programs to an AVR microcontroller.
Example of AVR programming and program execution using raw tools.
Description of the tools involved on the programming, debugging and execution of AVR programs.
Quick review of the AVR instruction set.
Overview of the AVR programming process.
AVR quick programming examples using raw tools.